Top 10k strings from Radiomania (1991)(Zenobi Software).dsk in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [DSK] /

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  24 Track-Info
  12 RAD1       
  10 r$(n)="carrying more than three items.":
   6 r$(b)="You can't climb up whilst":
   6 r$(b)="You can't climb down whilst":
   6 r$(b)="The door is locked.":
   6 r$(b)="It's too prickly.":
   6 You are walking down a boring   road.It seems to go on forever.
   4 r$(n)="and the lever is too thick.":
   4 r$(b)="You jump up and come down.":
   4 r$(b)="You drop the torch again.":
   4 r$(b)="You cut the gap wider.":
   4 r$(b)="The sword would damage the door":
   4 r$(b)="Clip...Clip...":
   4 r$(b)="But you don't have that.":
   4 RAD3    BK1
   4 RAD2       
   4 RAD0       
   4 I*+,-./0123
   4 456789:;<=>?@ABC
   3 Standing by a fast-flowing riveris a ferryman and his boat.
   3 RADIOC     
   3 RAD5    BK4
   3 RAD4    BK3
   2 you will meet the VAMPIRE!.
   2 u;h$+"bulb.":
   2 u;"straight into the crater.":
   2 u;"into the pit.":
   2 u;"You take a long run and jump....":
   2 u;"You see a rope hanging down."
   2 u;"You hesitate,pluck up courage   and jump...":
   2 u;"Torch turned off.":
   2 u;"Torch now on.":
   2 u;"There's a hole in the wall."
   2 u;"The mirror has been broken."
   2 u;"Standing before you is an Orc."
   2 u;"Spitting at you,the cat says,""I want some milk."""
   2 u;"Press a key when you are ready.":
   2 u;"He says,""One gold coin to go to the island."""
   2 u;"Blocking your way is a mad dog."
   2 u;"An Elf is standing by the door.":
   2 u;"""Well,have you got it?"""
   2 u;"""I have lost my cross and can't return to the Nunnery."""
   2 u;"""Have you found your radio yet?"""
   2 r$(x,b)="*":
   2 r$(x,b)="*"
   2 r$(t)="the door.":
   2 r$(t)="disintegrates.":
   2 r$(t)="The key falls by the wall.":
   2 r$(t)="The bowl is broken.":
   2 r$(q)="you knock the edge of the hole.":
   2 r$(q)="with the other one.":
   2 r$(q)="to open the door.":
   2 r$(q)="the ground and traps the rope.":
   2 r$(q)="spade.":
   2 r$(q)="right equipment.":
   2 r$(q)="out in pain and disintegrates.":
   2 r$(q)="found on her journey.":
   2 r$(q)="falls to the ground.":
   2 r$(q)="falls out from behind it.":
   2 r$(q)="everlasting batteries.":
   2 r$(q)="door.":
   2 r$(q)="but it can still smell you.":
   2 r$(q)="being able to see the tintacks":
   2 r$(q)="You know..the tender part.":
   2 r$(q)="Using the knife you gently open":
   2 r$(q)="The map disintegrates.":
   2 r$(q)="The door is now open.":
   2 r$(q)="CRATER RISE""":
   2 r$(q)=" He yells out in pain and":
   2 r$(n)="your might and the slab falls to":
   2 r$(n)="you.":
   2 r$(n)="you want to cross the crater say":
   2 r$(n)="you some tintacks that she had":
   2 r$(n)="with one hand,he pushes you back":
   2 r$(n)="water spills over him.He yells":
   2 r$(n)="upside down.":
   2 r$(n)="toss the hat over the dog's head":
   2 r$(n)="toss the hat over its head.Not":
   2 r$(n)="tiny feet.":
   2 r$(n)="think you could move it with the":
   2 r$(n)="they follow the piper.":
   2 r$(n)="the radio.":
   2 r$(n)="the knife you gently open the":
   2 r$(n)="the door.":
   2 r$(n)="tall pole.":
   2 r$(n)="something lying amongst it.":
   2 r$(n)="seem to make any impression.":
   2 r$(n)="see some shears.":
   2 r$(n)="runs off.":
   2 r$(n)="remember:-PLAY RADIO.":
   2 r$(n)="pocket is a map.":
   2 r$(n)="plank.":
   2 r$(n)="place them by your feet.":
   2 r$(n)="pit.":
   2 r$(n)="one!.":
   2 r$(n)="on the top.Inside are four round":
   2 r$(n)="nothing else.":
   2 r$(n)="never to come undone.":
   2 r$(n)="man!.":
   2 r$(n)="make the hole larger.":
   2 r$(n)="loose.":
   2 r$(n)="key.As you withdraw your hand":
   2 r$(n)="keeping it together."::
   2 r$(n)="keeping it together.":
   2 r$(n)="it.":
   2 r$(n)="is a trail.":
   2 r$(n)="is a tankard.":
   2 r$(n)="holy water spills over him.":
   2 r$(n)="hit something.":
   2 r$(n)="he jumps out of the way.":
   2 r$(n)="for the largest one.":
   2 r$(n)="first.""":
   2 r$(n)="find a rope.":
   2 r$(n)="facing North.":
   2 r$(n)="duster.":
   2 r$(n)="door.":
   2 r$(n)="dog.Not being able to see them":
   2 r$(n)="dog,but it can still see them.":
   2 r$(n)="dirt.Lying on the ground is a":
   2 r$(n)="dirt.":
   2 r$(n)="cut the pole in half.The hat":
   2 r$(n)="climbing.":
   2 r$(n)="catches onto the slab.":
   2 r$(n)="catches onto the ledge.":
   2 r$(n)="but using the knife you manage":
   2 r$(n)="bulb.":
   2 r$(n)="and you're left with some wire.":
   2 r$(n)="and smash it to pieces.A sword":
   2 r$(n)="and pick the lock with ease.":
   2 r$(n)="and open the door.":
   2 r$(n)="and hook.":
   2 r$(n)="and hit him between the legs.":
   2 r$(n)="West,North,West,South and South.":
   2 r$(n)="RADIO!!!!.":
   2 r$(n)="On the top is a torch.":
   2 r$(n)="North and South.":
   2 r$(n)="In his pocket is a coin.":
   2 r$(n)="Hurry up.He is HYPNOTISING YOU.":
   2 r$(n)= "carrying more than three items.":
   2 r$(b)="very blunt.":
   2 r$(b)="You've already got it.":
   2 r$(b)="You're already carrying enough.":
   2 r$(b)="You'll need a stool to sit on.":
   2 r$(b)="You try but holding himself":
   2 r$(b)="You tie the rope to the hook,":
   2 r$(b)="You throw the tankard and the":
   2 r$(b)="You throw the rock at the orc":
   2 r$(b)="You throw the rock at the mirror":
   2 r$(b)="You throw the cross at him but":
   2 r$(b)="You stand well back.":
   2 r$(b)="You see an old nest.Something is":
   2 r$(b)="You see a hole in the wall.":
   2 r$(b)="You remove the batteries and":
   2 r$(b)="You pray.":
   2 r$(b)="You place the stool by the cow.":
   2 r$(b)="You place the plank across the":
   2 r$(b)="You open the drawer and see a":
   2 r$(b)="You notice tracks leading to the":
   2 r$(b)="You notice an old hook.":
   2 r$(b)="You might just get your hand in":
   2 r$(b)="You look lovely.":
   2 r$(b)="You lever the crate open and":
   2 r$(b)="You insert the key into the lock":
   2 r$(b)="You insert the key and open the":
   2 r$(b)="You insert the batteries into":
   2 r$(b)="You hear nothing at all.":
   2 r$(b)="You hear a lot of interference.":
   2 r$(b)="You haven't the right tool.":
   2 r$(b)="You haven't got a stake.":
   2 r$(b)="You fill the tankard.":
   2 r$(b)="You fill the bowl.":
   2 r$(b)="You drop the stool and it lands":
   2 r$(b)="You dig into the opening and":
   2 r$(b)="You cut the grass,but find":
   2 r$(b)="You cut the grass but it doesn't":
   2 r$(b)="You can go in now.":
   2 r$(b)="You break the nest into pieces":
   2 r$(b)="You are wasting your time.":
   2 r$(b)="Would you please rephrase that?.":
   2 r$(b)="Would you please rephrase that?." :
   2 r$(b)="With one swipe of your sword you":
   2 r$(b)="Winding through the long grass":
   2 r$(b)="What about the Orc?.":
   2 r$(b)="Waste of time digging here.":
   2 r$(b)="Very deep.About 9 Feet. across.":
   2 r$(b)="Using the knife you gently open":
   2 r$(b)="They are singing and dancing as":
   2 r$(b)="They are glowing brightly except":
   2 r$(b)="They are cold now.Amongst them":
   2 r$(b)="They are all glowing brightly.":
   2 r$(b)="There is a gap in the hedge":
   2 r$(b)="The wall wasn't built for":
   2 r$(b)="The tankard is now empty.":
   2 r$(b)="The sword would damage the door.":
   2 r$(b)="The sword would damage the door,":
   2 r$(b)="The stones are very large.":
   2 r$(b)="The slab is lying on the rope":
   2 r$(b)="The shears are not sharp enough.":
   2 r$(b)="The lever is too thick.":
   2 r$(b)="The lever is too thick,but using":
   2 r$(b)="The hole is too small.":
   2 r$(b)="The hole is not very large.":
   2 r$(b)="The gap is not wide enough.":
   2 r$(b)="The gap is large enough now.":
   2 r$(b)="The elf grabs the tankard and":
   2 r$(b)="The door is stuck.":
   2 r$(b)="The cow says,""I want some straw":
   2 r$(b)="The cat is contented now.":
   2 r$(b)="The bulb is broken.":
   2 r$(b)="The bowl is now empty.":
   2 r$(b)="The Guardian is HYPNOTISING you.":
   2 r$(b)="Tankard now full.":
   2 r$(b)="Sorry,you can't climb the hedge.":
   2 r$(b)="Red,waterproof and has a button":
   2 r$(b)="RABID!.":
   2 r$(b)="NAUGHTY!..NAUGHTY!.":
   2 r$(b)="Much calmer now.":
   2 r$(b)="Made from rocks.One of them is":
   2 r$(b)="Looks very wild.":
   2 r$(b)="Looks very religious.":
   2 r$(b)="Looks like they were made by":
   2 r$(b)="Just a broken pole remains.":
   2 r$(b)="It's your favourite radio.":
   2 r$(b)="It's very old.Something is":
   2 r$(b)="It's on top of the pole.":
   2 r$(b)="It's now open.":
   2 r$(b)="It's not very wide.":
   2 r$(b)="It's just what it seems.":
   2 r$(b)="It's fixed to the ledge.":
   2 r$(b)="It's caught on the slab.":
   2 r$(b)="It's about 12 feet. long.":
   2 r$(b)="It wouldn't suit you.":
   2 r$(b)="It would tear your eyes out.":
   2 r$(b)="It would rip you apart.":
   2 r$(b)="It won't light.":
   2 r$(b)="Inside the wardrobe is your.....":
   2 r$(b)="Inserting your hand,you find a":
   2 r$(b)="In the coffin is a vampire.":
   2 r$(b)="I wouldn't.It might fall on some":
   2 r$(b)="I wouldn't advise it.":
   2 r$(b)="How about some light?.":
   2 r$(b)="Horrible..with a huge club.":
   2 r$(b)="He's playing his pipe like a mad":
   2 r$(b)="He's asleep at the moment.In his":
   2 r$(b)="He's already dead!.":
   2 r$(b)="He looks very shifty.":
   2 r$(b)="He has BIG STARING EYES.":
   2 r$(b)="From outside the cave you go....":
   2 r$(b)="Fancy getting scratched,do you?":
   2 r$(b)="Facing North is a gap.You also":
   2 r$(b)="Dropped.":
   2 r$(b)="Done.":
   2 r$(b)="Don't be a bully.":
   2 r$(b)="Dead..with a sword stuck in him.":
   2 r$(b)="Dead.":
   2 r$(b)="Could come in handy.":
   2 r$(b)="Contains some holy water.":
   2 r$(b)="Broken.":
   2 r$(b)="Breakable.":
   2 r$(b)="Bowl now full.":
   2 r$(b)="Being handy,you bend the wire":
   2 r$(b)="As you cut the grass your shears":
   2 r$(b)="As you cut the grass you notice":
   2 r$(b)="Are you MAD!.":
   2 r$(b)="Are you MAD or the dog?":
   2 r$(b)="Amongst some weeds you see a":
   2 r$(b)="Although very tall and heavy,I":
   2 r$(b)="Although small,the elf won't let":
   2 r$(b)="All that is left is a hat on a":
   2 r$(b)="A lovely shade of blue.":
   2 r$(b)="""Thanks,but only once.""":
   2 r$(b)="""Not in a tankard!.""":
   2 r$(b)="""Not again.""":
   2 r$(b)="""I want milk not water!.""":
   2 r$(b)="""I need my cross first.""":
   2 r$(b)="""GIVE MILK!...In what?.""":
   2 r$(b)="""As you are a true believer,if":
   2 other key for SAVE to Tape.
   2 no=no-MOB:
   2 nTrack-Info
   2 n;g$+" your might and the slab falls...":
   2 n;"and crushes you.":
   2 n;"You smash the mirror with the   rock,but alas a sliver of glass penetrates your throat.":
   2 n;"You see a dead Orc."
   2 n;"You break the mirror with the   rock,but alas a sliver of glass penetrates your throat.":
   2 n;"The vampire stirs,grabs you and pulls you into the coffin.":
   2 n;"Standing by the coffin is the   Guardian."
   2 n;"He splatters you to death with  his club!.":
   2 mountain.The entrance closes    
   2 long grass.Hard luck!.
   2 it treads on them and limps off.G
   2 falls down.D 
   2 behind you.
   2 any other key for LOAD from Tape
   2 Your old SPADE
   2 Your lungs have burst!.
   2 Your RADIO
   2 You throw the tintacks at theF 
   2 You throw the rope up and it...O
   2 You throw the rope and the hookN
   2 You start to float up and across
   2 You see some footprints in thes
   2 You rest for a while under a    tree.The road continues South.
   2 You pull the rope with allI8
   2 You notice children following a man playing a pipe.A little girlsitting on a stool,drops a bowl and runs after the piper.
   2 You hear nothing now.Everyone   has followed the piper.
   2 You have with you:-
   2 You have lost your way in the   
   2 You have fallen over the edge.
   2 You have been HYPNOTISED.Soon   
   2 You follow the children into the
   2 You drop the torch and break theQ 
   2 You continue walking through themaze.
   2 You can't carry any more!
   2 You arrive at a junction.Paths  lead North,East and West.
   2 You are walking through a maze  of bushes and long grass.Good   job you know the way!.
   2 You are steadily walking up a   long hill.It seems to go on and on and on.
   2 You are standing dangerously    near the edge of a ledge.East   takes you to safety.
   2 You are on a long boring East/  West road.
   2 You are on a North/South road.
   2 You are nearly out of the maze.
   2 You are half way through the    maze.The grass is extra long    here!.
   2 You are half way along an East- West path.
   2 You are at the other side of thehedge.The grass this side looks very long.
   2 With a lucky throw you manage toE
   2 What next?
   2 Wandering in to a small copse   you see some ashes and straw.   Probably someone's camp for the night.
   2 Walking through a blue gate you stand in a beautiful garden.A   door to a cottage is West.
   2 Walking into a small room,you   see a coffin on the floor.You   can continue South.
   2 Walking into a cornfield,you    notice a cow and a scarecrow.
   2 U;"The cat is contented now,lappingat a bowl of milk."
   2 To your amazement,you rise and  float across the crater.J
   2 This is the end of the tunnel.  High above you,out of reach is aledge.
   2 This garden is worse than yours.A fine display of weeds.East    leads into a cottage.
   2 The slab falls and crushes you!.
   2 The rope bridge has broken and  fallen into the crater.U
   2 The road bends to the West here.
   2 The path bends to the West.
   2 The inside of the cottage is as bad as the outside.The only itemin good condition is a mirror   fixed to a wall.
   2 The bedroom is neat and tidy.Thewardrobe is spotless.
   2 The batteries are missing.M
   2 That's not possible.
   2 Strolling down a small path you see a vicious looking cat.The   path continues South.
   2 Strolling down a path you arriveat a high stony wall blocking   the way.
   2 Start tape, then press any key.
   2 Standing on the other side you  feel rather sick.The bridge     really swayed from side to side.The path continues South.
   2 Standing in the shed you notice a table used as a work bench.
   2 Standing in the garden you see ashed to the South and a gate to the East.You decide to work on  your garden when you have found your RADIO.
   2 Standing in front of you is a   very long and tall hedge.
   2 Spanning the pit is a plank.P
   2 Sorry...NO WAY!
   2 Some brass TINTACKS   
   2 Some STRAW
   2 Sitting in the boat you wonder  if you will ever find your      radio.After a while the ferrymansays,"Well here we are friend."
   2 Resting by the bank of the riveryou look around at the barren   island.East is a cave.
   2 RAD7    BK7
   2 RAD6    BK6
   2 POKE 24968,64: REM locked
   2 Outside the mountain,you notice paths leading North,East and    South.
   2 Outside the cave,you wonder whatyou will find inside.
   2 Nothing of value.
   2 Nothing at all.
   2 No good digging here!.
   2 It's quicker going back.C
   2 It's now empty.n
   2 It's just a table with a drawer.S
   2 It's dark in here!.
   2 Inside the mountain you see by  the light from your torch,many  beautiful coloured stones wedgedin the side of the walls.You cango East.
   2 Inside the cottage you see the  kitchen to the North and the    bedroom to the West.
   2 Inside the church you notice an altar and a font.
   2 Inside the cave you see that thewalls are smooth as though made by man.The cave continues South.
   2 Here you can see:-
   2 Here is the kitchen.This is alsovery clean.A back door leads    North.
   2 Here is an underground lake.You admire the deep blue water.You  can continue East.
   2 Here is a small hole in the sideof a mountain.East will take youin.
   2 Here is a small church.The door is to the West.
   2 Here are some crossroads.The    choice is yours.
   2 Get WHAT?.
   2 Gardening SHEARS      
   2 For SAVE to bank press B or any 
   2 For LOAD from bank press B or   
   2 Everlasting BATTERIES 
   2 Drop WHAT?.
   2 Do you want to try again? (Y/N)
   2 Can you FLY?.
   2 CODE1      
   2 Blocking the way West is a pit. You believe you hear some music from the other side.
   2 At the end of the road,a Nun is sitting on a log.She looks up atyou and begins to speak.
   2 At the bottom of the lake you   see many large stones and weeds.
   2 At last you reach the top.Was itworth it?.
   2 At last you come to the end of  the tunnel.In front of you is a tall slab of rock blocking your exit.
   2 As the gate was open,you are nowstanding outside your garden.   Boring roads lead North,East andSouth.
   2 An old NEST
   2 An old MAP
   2 An old HAT
   2 An empty TANKARD      
   2 An empty BOWL
   2 After that little shock you are standing outside the cave.
   2 After a lot of puffing you are  at last up the tree.You can see a cottage from here.
   2 A wooden STOOL
   2 A wooden CRATE
   2 A strong ROPE
   2 A strong LEVER
   2 A silver CROSS
   2 A short length of WIRE
   2 A sharp SWORD
   2 A long PLANK
   2 A large KEY
   2 A grappling HOOK      
   2 A gold COIN
   2 A full TANKARD
   2 A full BOWL
   2 A fairly large ROCK   
   2 A blunt KNIFE
   2 A TORCH (ON)
   2 A TORCH (OFF)
   2 A ROPE tied to a HOOK 
   2 )="his heart.":
   2 )="You thrust your sword through":
   2 )="You throw the bowl and the holy":
   2 '"My 5th. is in OGRE but not in   GIANT."
   2 '"My 4th. is in EMPIRE but not in ROMAN."
   2 '"My 3rd. is in DRAGON but not in GEORGE."
   2 '"My 2nd. is in CARD but not in   PACK."
   2 "Track-Info
   2 "The entrance has caved in.You'llnever shift it!."
   2 "Thank you,step this way."L
   2 "My 1st. is in EAGLE but not in  FLIGHT."
   2 "6";"As I am good with figures,what  am I?"
   2 "6";"     SORRY...ONLY JOKING."
   2 "5";"break your neck.":
   2 "5";"You jump down and...":
   2 "5";"""And where do you think you are going?.""He says."
   2 "2";"Laughing,he clubs you to death.":
   2 "1000"+vb*d
   2 ""Thank you for cleaning me.     I am the Stone of Knowledge.    Answer this question and I will help you."""
   2 """Get me a tankard and I will letyou pass."""
   2  the crater.
   2   No SAVE has been performed so 
   2   Insert DATA tape, press PLAY  
   2     there is no DATA to LOAD!
   2     then press any key....
   1 your      radio.After a while the ferrymansays,"Well here we are fPLUS3DOS
   1 wTrack-Info
   1 uge crater.  South will take you across.
   1 t here.You    wonder why?.Perhaps you will    find out?.
   1 r$(b)="The nun thanks you and offers":
   1 r$(b)="The nun thanks you aTrack-Info
   1 r$(b)="Sorry....NO WAY!.":
   1 r$(b)="Sorry
   1 r$(b)="Piled up like a pillow.":
   1 r$(b)="Piled up
   1 r$(b)="Correct.When you find yourTrack-Info
   1 r$(b)="Correct.When you find your radio":
   1 position SAVED
   1 painful ordeal.""I'll teach you  to throw a rock at me.""":
   1 nd offers":
   1 You see nothing of interest.
   1 You see nothing of inteTrack-Info
   1 You hear a voice say,
   1 TRO4    BK3
   1 TRO3    BK1
   1 TRO2       
   1 Sitting in the boat you wonder  if you will ever find your      radio.After a while the ferrymansays,"Well here we are f
   1 RADLOAD    
   1 RADIO      
   1 PIC        
   1 OK.......position SAVED
   1 MOVES TAKEN=";:
   1 M3 LOADING":
   1 LOADER     
   1 It is deathly quiet here.You    wonder why?.Perhaps you will    find out?.
   1 It is deathly quieTrack-Info
   1 DISK       
   1 CPDRead v3.24
   1 CODE2      
   1 At long last you come to a rope bridge spanning a huge crater.  South will take you across.
   1 At long last you come to a rope bridge spanning a hTrack-Info
   1 A yellow DUSTER       
   1 A yellow DUSTER
   1 ;"Please note it will be necessary to use a tape deck to SAVE and     LOAD your game positions"
   1 2","2","17","3","29","0","192","2","18","4","31","0","192","4","21","6","27","0","19
   1 ..NO WAY!.":
   1 .. girlsitting on a stool,drops a bowl and runs after the piper.
   1 (fTrack-Info
   1 "7";"To your amazement you hear......If the person whose RADIO was   stolen rings Capital Radio      within theTrack-Info
   1 "7";"To your amazement you hear......If the person whose RADIO was   stolen rings Capital Radio      within the hour they will win   
   1 "6";"       MOVES TAKEN=";:
   1 "53")Track-Info
   1 "5";"The stone glows brightly.       You hear a voice say,
   1 "5";"The stone glows brightly.
   1 "5";"The orc recovers fromTrack-Info
   1 "5";"The orc recovers from his       painful ordeal.""I'll teach you  to throw a rock at me.""":
   1 "2Track-Info
   1 "10"),Track-Info
   1  like a pillow.":
   1  hour they will win   
   1  !"#$%&'()